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Monday, February 14, 2011

Chase N Me

My sweet little were so close to me I could hear your breath, I could smell your shampoo and feel  warmth radiating from your soul.  Two seconds before you were wrapped in concentration with your gaze upon some unknown puzzle... you knew I was there, your hand upon my knee, reaching out to say "watch and I will show you a secret".  You lifted you head and for a twinkling or an eternity, I don't know which, I saw it all in your profound blue eyes.....

 I am peace and serenity 
 I am love and hope  
 I am all that is gentle and kind 
 I am faith and grace 
I am what is possible

I am...

I am You.

Thank you for bestowing to me your secret, I promise to enclose it in the folds of my heart, let it nourish my soul
 and cherish it for all time.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Colorado Sunrise

Yesterday I woke up in a foul mood...not normal for me, I am usually pretty cheery.  My head was cloudy, I didn't feel well and the previous week was  beyond stressful.  I prompted myself to work anyway and God lit up the sky with a beautiful sunrise. I cried as I maneuvered my way down Hwy 392, talking to him as I often he is an old favorite friend.

 "I know you did that just for me, but I don't feel like a beautiful sunrise today, thanks anyway".   

But He insisted, didn't turn off the lights to the peaks, but planted a seed of memory for me.  Of times not so hard and tears of joy instead of pain, of a body that loved the mornings and even reminded me of why I carry my camera everywhere I stop, get out of my warm car, breath in the crisp Colorado morning and look at His wonder, accept His gift and be thankful.

I am reminded of a saying I used a long time ago

Getting over a painful experience is like crossing the monkey bars some point you have to let go so you can move on.

Yesterday I was blessed when I didn't deserve it, today I am moving on.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Mosaic Monday-Baby Bradley

Baby Bradley....bathtub...really only the sink...wet just the same...

Please join me at
For Mosaic Monday....there are some great mosaics there.

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